Overte C++ Documentation
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CAbstractScriptingServicesInterfaceInterface provided by Application to other objects that need access to scripting services of the application
 CAbstractViewStateInterfaceInterface provided by Application to other objects that need access to the current view state details
 Chfm::AnimationFrameA single animation frame
 CAnimationReaderAn animation loaded from the network
 CArchiveDownloadInterfaceThe ArchiveDownloadInterface API provides some facilities for working with the file system
 CAssignmentHolds information used for request, creation, and deployment of assignments
 CBatchLoaderLoad one or more files for use by the scripting engine
 Chfm::BlendshapeA single blendshape
 CCallbackDataCallback data for addEventHandler
 Chfm::ClusterA single binding to a joint
 CContextScopeV8[V8] Implements ScriptEngine for V8 and translates calls for QScriptEngine
 CCrashHandlerThe global object in charge of setting up and controlling crash reporting
 CDomainServerExporterPrometheus exporter for domain stats
 CDomainServerSettingsManagerManages the domain-wide settings
 CEntityItemIDAbstract ID for editing model items. Used in EntityItem JS API
 CEntityScriptContentAvailableEntity with available script contents
 CEntityScriptDetailsDetails about an entity script
 CFBXNodeA node within an FBX document
 CFramebufferCacheStores cached textures, including render-to-texture targets
 CGeometryCacheStores cached geometry
 CGLWidgetCustomized canvas that simply forwards requests/events to the singleton application
 CSetting::Handle< T >Handle to a setting of type T
 CSetting::Handle< bool >
 CSetting::Handle< float >
 CSetting::Handle< int >
 CSetting::Handle< QRect >
 CSetting::Handle< QString >
 CSetting::Handle< QUrl >
 CSetting::Handle< QVariantList >
 CHelperScriptEngineProvides a wrapper around script engine that does not have ScriptManager
 CHTTPConnectionHandles a single HTTP connection
 CHTTPManagerHandles HTTP connections
 COctreeSceneStats::ItemInfoMeta information about each stats item
 Chfm::JointA single joint (transformation node)
 CKeyEventRepresents a keyboard event to the scripting engine. Exposed as KeyEvent
 CLevelDetailsAn opaque key used when starting, ending, and discarding encoding/packing levels of OctreePacketData
 Chfm::LightA light
 CLogHandlerHandles custom message handling and sending of stats/logs to Logstash instance
 CSetting::ManagerSettings manager
 CMenuItemPropertiesRepresents a menu item a script may declare and bind events to. Exposed as MenuItemProperties
 Chfm::MeshA single mesh (with optional blendshapes)
 Chfm::MeshPartA single part of a mesh (with the same material)
 CMIDIEventRepresents a MIDI protocol event to the scripting engine
 Chfm::ModelThe runtime model format
 CModelA generic 3D model displaying geometry loaded from a URL
 CModelPropertiesDialogA dialog that allows customization of various model properties
 CMouseEventRepresents a mouse event to the scripting engine. Exposed as MouseEvent
 CNetworkAccessManagerWrapper around QNetworkAccessManager to restrict at one instance by thread
 CNetworkSocketMultiplexes a QUdpSocket and a WebRTCSocket so that they appear as a single QUdpSocket-style socket
 COctreeElement::octalCode_tClient and server, axis aligned box for bounds of this voxel, 48 bytes
 COctreePacketDataHandles packing of the data portion of PacketType_OCTREE_DATA messages
 COctreeSceneStatsCollects statistics for calculating and sending a scene from a octree server to an interface client
 CPluginManager::PluginInfoInformation about known plugins
 CPluginManagerManages loadable plugins
 CPointerEventRepresents a 2D or 3D pointer to the scripting engine. Exposed as PointerEvent
 CRadix2IntegerScanner< T, _Signed >
 CRecurseOctreeOperatorDerive from this class to use the Octree::recurseTreeWithOperator() method
 CResourceBase class for resources
 CResourceCacheBase class for resource caches
 CScreenNameScreen naming
 CScriptable[ScriptInterface] Provides an engine-independent interface for QScriptable
 CScriptableResourceWrapper to expose resources to JS/QML
 CScriptableResourceCacheWrapper to expose resource caches to JS/QML
 CScriptAudioInjectorProvides the AudioInjector scripting interface
 CScriptCacheDependency for for loading and caching scripts
 CScriptContext[ScriptInterface] Provides an engine-independent interface for QScriptContext
 CScriptEngineProvides an engine-independent interface for a scripting engine
 CScriptEnginesProvides the ScriptDiscoveryService scripting interface
 CScriptExceptionScripting exception
 CScriptFunctionContext[ScriptInterface] Provides an engine-independent interface for QScriptContextInfo
 CScriptGatekeeperManages script whitelisting in a domain
 CScriptManagerManages a single scripting engine
 CScriptProgramEngine-independent representation of a script program
 CScriptsModelProvides script file information available from the ScriptDiscoveryService scripting interface
 CScriptsModelFilterProvides script file information available from the ScriptDiscoveryService scripting interface
 CScriptSyntaxCheckResultEngine-independent representation of a script syntax check
 CScriptValue[ScriptInterface] Provides an engine-independent interface for QScriptValue
 CScriptValueIterator[ScriptInterface] Provides an engine-independent interface for QScriptValueIterator
 CScriptValueProxy[ScriptInterface] Provides an engine-independent interface for QScriptValue
 CScriptVariantV8Proxy[V8] (re-)implements the translation layer between ScriptValue and QVariant where a prototype is set
 CSettingsQSettings analog
 CSimpleEntitySimulationSimple velocity + gravity extrapolation of EntityItem's
 CSpatialEvent[unused] Represents a spatial event to the scripting engine
 Chfm::TextureA texture map
 CTextureA simple object wrapper for an OpenGL texture
 CTextureExtraExtra data for creating textures
 CTouchEventRepresents a display or device event to the scripting engine. Exposed as TouchEvent
 CViewerSendingStatsHandles assignments of type EntityServer - sending entities to various clients
 CWDCConnectionA WebRTC data channel connection
 CWDCCreateSessionDescriptionObserverA WebRTC create session description observer
 CWDCDataChannelObserverA WebRTC data channel observer
 CWDCPeerConnectionObserverA WebRTC peer connection observer
 CWDCSetSessionDescriptionObserverA WebRTC session description observer
 CWebRTCDataChannelsManages WebRTC data channels on the domain server or an assignment client that Interface clients can connect to
 CWebRTCSignalingServerProvides a WebRTC signaling server that Interface clients can use to initiate WebRTC connections to the domain server and its assignment clients
 CWebRTCSocketProvides a QUdpSocket-style interface for using WebRTCDataChannels
 CWebSocketClassProvides the WebSocket scripting interface
 CWebSocketServerClassProvides the WebSocketServer scripting interface
 CWheelEventRepresents a mouse wheel event to the scripting engine. Exposed as WheelEvent
 CSetting::WriteWorkerSettings write worker
 CXMLHttpRequestClassProvides the XMLHttpRequest scripting interface