Overte C++ Documentation
1 //
2 // Menu.h
3 // interface/src
4 //
5 // Created by Stephen Birarda on 8/12/13.
6 // Copyright 2013 High Fidelity, Inc.
7 // Copyright 2020 Vircadia contributors.
8 //
9 // Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
10 // See the accompanying file LICENSE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html
11 //
13 #include <ui/Menu.h>
15 #ifndef hifi_Menu_h
16 #define hifi_Menu_h
18 class MenuItemProperties;
20 class Menu : public ui::Menu {
23 public:
24  static Menu* getInstance();
25  Menu();
26  Q_INVOKABLE void addMenuItem(const MenuItemProperties& properties);
27 };
29 namespace MenuOption {
30  const QString AddRemoveFriends = "Add/Remove Friends...";
31  const QString AddressBar = "Show Address Bar";
32  const QString Animations = "Animations...";
33  const QString AnimDebugDrawAnimPose = "Debug Draw Animation";
34  const QString AnimDebugDrawBaseOfSupport = "Debug Draw Base of Support";
35  const QString AnimDebugDrawDefaultPose = "Debug Draw Default Pose";
36  const QString AnimDebugDrawPosition= "Debug Draw Position";
37  const QString AnimDebugDrawOtherSkeletons = "Debug Draw Other Skeletons";
38  const QString AskToResetSettings = "Ask To Reset Settings on Start";
39  const QString AssetMigration = "ATP Asset Migration";
40  const QString AssetServer = "Asset Browser";
41  const QString AudioScope = "Show Scope";
42  const QString AudioScopeFiftyFrames = "Fifty";
43  const QString AudioScopeFiveFrames = "Five";
44  const QString AudioScopeFrames = "Display Frames";
45  const QString AudioScopePause = "Pause Scope";
46  const QString AudioScopeTwentyFrames = "Twenty";
47  const QString AudioStatsShowInjectedStreams = "Audio Stats Show Injected Streams";
48  const QString AutoMuteAudio = "Auto Mute Microphone";
49  const QString AvatarReceiveStats = "Show Receive Stats";
50  const QString AvatarBookmarks = "Avatar Bookmarks";
51  const QString AvatarPackager = "Avatar Packager";
52  const QString Back = "Back";
53  const QString BinaryEyelidControl = "Binary Eyelid Control";
54  const QString BookmarkAvatar = "Bookmark Avatar";
55  const QString BookmarkAvatarEntities = "Bookmark Avatar Entities";
56  const QString BookmarkLocation = "Bookmark Location";
57  const QString CalibrateCamera = "Calibrate Camera";
58  const QString CachebustRequire = "Enable Cachebusting of Script.require";
59  const QString CenterPlayerInView = "Center Player In View";
60  const QString Chat = "Chat...";
61  const QString ClearDiskCaches = "Clear Disk Caches (requires restart)";
62  const QString Collisions = "Collisions";
63  const QString Connexion = "Activate 3D Connexion Devices";
64  const QString Console = "Console...";
65  const QString ControlWithSpeech = "Enable Speech Control API";
66  const QString CopyAddress = "Copy Address to Clipboard";
67  const QString CopyPath = "Copy Path to Clipboard";
68  const QString CoupleEyelids = "Couple Eyelids";
69  const QString CrashPureVirtualFunction = "Pure Virtual Function Call";
70  const QString CrashPureVirtualFunctionThreaded = "Pure Virtual Function Call (threaded)";
71  const QString CrashDoubleFree = "Double Free";
72  const QString CrashDoubleFreeThreaded = "Double Free (threaded)";
73  const QString CrashNullDereference = "Null Dereference";
74  const QString CrashNullDereferenceThreaded = "Null Dereference (threaded)";
75  const QString CrashAbort = "Abort";
76  const QString CrashAbortThreaded = "Abort (threaded)";
77  const QString CrashOnShutdown = "Crash During Shutdown";
78  const QString CrashOutOfBoundsVectorAccess = "Out of Bounds Vector Access";
79  const QString CrashOutOfBoundsVectorAccessThreaded = "Out of Bounds Vector Access (threaded)";
80  const QString CrashNewFault = "New Fault";
81  const QString CrashNewFaultThreaded = "New Fault (threaded)";
82  const QString CrashThrownException = "Thrown C++ exception";
83  const QString CrashThrownExceptionThreaded = "Thrown C++ exception (threaded)";
84  const QString CreateEntitiesGrabbable = "Create Entities As Grabbable (except Zones, Particles, and Lights)";
85  const QString DeadlockInterface = "Deadlock Interface";
86  const QString UnresponsiveInterface = "Unresponsive Interface";
87  const QString DecreaseAvatarSize = "Decrease Avatar Size";
88  const QString DefaultSkybox = "Default Skybox";
89  const QString DeleteAvatarBookmark = "Delete Avatar Bookmark...";
90  const QString DeleteAvatarEntitiesBookmark = "Delete Avatar Entities Bookmark";
91  const QString DeleteBookmark = "Delete Bookmark...";
92  const QString DisableActivityLogger = "Disable Activity Logger";
93  const QString EnableCrashReporting = "Enable Crash Reporting";
94  const QString DisableEyelidAdjustment = "Disable Eyelid Adjustment";
95  const QString DisableLightEntities = "Disable Light Entities";
96  const QString DisplayCrashOptions = "Display Crash Options";
97  const QString DisplayHandTargets = "Show Hand Targets";
98  const QString DisplayModelBounds = "Display Model Bounds";
99  const QString DisplayModelTriangles = "Display Model Triangles";
100  const QString DisplayModelElementChildProxies = "Display Model Element Children";
101  const QString DisplayModelElementProxy = "Display Model Element Bounds";
102  const QString DisplayDebugTimingDetails = "Display Timing Details";
103  const QString LocationBookmarks = "Bookmarks";
104  const QString DontDoPrecisionPicking = "Don't Do Precision Picking";
105  const QString DontRenderEntitiesAsScene = "Don't Render Entities as Scene";
106  const QString EchoLocalAudio = "Echo Local Audio";
107  const QString EchoServerAudio = "Echo Server Audio";
108  const QString EnableFlying = "Enable Flying";
109  const QString EnableAvatarCollisions = "Enable Avatar Collisions";
110  const QString EnableInverseKinematics = "Enable Inverse Kinematics";
111  const QString EntityScriptServerLog = "Entity Script Server Log";
112  const QString ExpandMyAvatarSimulateTiming = "Expand /myAvatar/simulation";
113  const QString ExpandMyAvatarTiming = "Expand /myAvatar";
114  const QString ExpandOtherAvatarTiming = "Expand /otherAvatar";
115  const QString ExpandPaintGLTiming = "Expand /paintGL";
116  const QString ExpandSimulationTiming = "Expand /simulation";
117  const QString ExpandPhysicsTiming = "Expand /physics";
118  const QString ExpandUpdateTiming = "Expand /update";
119  const QString FirstPerson = "First Person Legacy";
120  const QString FirstPersonLookAt = "First Person";
121  const QString FirstPersonHMD = "Enter First Person Mode in HMD";
122  const QString FivePointCalibration = "5 Point Calibration";
123  const QString FixGaze = "Fix Gaze (no saccade)";
124  const QString Forward = "Forward";
125  const QString FrameTimer = "Show Timer";
126  const QString Help = "Help...";
127  const QString HomeLocation = "Home ";
128  const QString IncreaseAvatarSize = "Increase Avatar Size";
129  const QString ActionMotorControl = "Enable Default Motor Control";
130  const QString LastLocation = "Last Location";
131  const QString LoadScript = "Open and Run Script File...";
132  const QString LoadScriptURL = "Open and Run Script from URL...";
133  const QString LodTools = "LOD Tools";
134  const QString Login = "Login/Sign Up";
135  const QString Log = "Log";
136  const QString LogExtraTimings = "Log Extra Timing Details";
137  const QString LookAtCamera = "Third Person";
138  const QString LowVelocityFilter = "Low Velocity Filter";
139  const QString MeshVisible = "Draw Mesh";
140  const QString MuteEnvironment = "Mute Environment";
141  const QString MuteFaceTracking = "Mute Face Tracking";
142  const QString NamesAboveHeads = "Names Above Heads";
143  const QString Networking = "Networking...";
144  const QString NoFaceTracking = "None";
145  const QString OctreeStats = "Entity Statistics";
146  const QString OnePointCalibration = "1 Point Calibration";
147  const QString OnlyDisplayTopTen = "Only Display Top Ten";
148  const QString OpenVrThreadedSubmit = "OpenVR Threaded Submit";
149  const QString OutputMenu = "Display";
150  const QString Overlays = "Show Overlays";
151  const QString PackageModel = "Package Avatar as .fst...";
152  const QString Pair = "Pair";
153  const QString PhysicsShowOwned = "Highlight Simulation Ownership";
154  const QString VerboseLogging = "Verbose Logging";
155  const QString PhysicsShowBulletWireframe = "Show Bullet Collision";
156  const QString PhysicsShowBulletAABBs = "Show Bullet Bounding Boxes";
157  const QString PhysicsShowBulletContactPoints = "Show Bullet Contact Points";
158  const QString PhysicsShowBulletConstraints = "Show Bullet Constraints";
159  const QString PhysicsShowBulletConstraintLimits = "Show Bullet Constraint Limits";
160  const QString PipelineWarnings = "Log Render Pipeline Warnings";
161  const QString Preferences = "General...";
162  const QString Quit = "Quit";
163  const QString ReloadAllScripts = "Reload All Scripts";
164  const QString ReloadContent = "Reload Content (Clears all caches)";
165  const QString RenderClearKtxCache = "Clear KTX Cache (requires restart)";
166  const QString RenderMaxTextureMemory = "Maximum Texture Memory";
167  const QString RenderMaxTextureAutomatic = "Automatic Texture Memory";
168  const QString RenderMaxTexture4MB = "4 MB";
169  const QString RenderMaxTexture64MB = "64 MB";
170  const QString RenderMaxTexture256MB = "256 MB";
171  const QString RenderMaxTexture512MB = "512 MB";
172  const QString RenderMaxTexture1024MB = "1024 MB";
173  const QString RenderMaxTexture2048MB = "2048 MB";
174  const QString RenderMaxTexture3072MB = "3072 MB";
175  const QString RenderMaxTexture4096MB = "4096 MB";
176  const QString RenderMaxTexture6144MB = "6144 MB";
177  const QString RenderMaxTexture8192MB = "8192 MB";
178  const QString RenderMaxTexture10240MB = "10240 MB";
179  const QString RenderMaxTexture12288MB = "12288 MB";
180  const QString RenderMaxTexture16384MB = "16384 MB";
181  const QString RenderMaxTexture20480MB = "20480 MB";
182  const QString RenderSensorToWorldMatrix = "Show SensorToWorld Matrix";
183  const QString RenderIKTargets = "Show IK Targets";
184  const QString RenderIKConstraints = "Show IK Constraints";
185  const QString RenderIKChains = "Show IK Chains";
186  const QString RenderDetailedCollision = "Show Detailed Collision";
187  const QString ResetAvatarSize = "Reset Avatar Size";
188  const QString ResetSensors = "Reset Sensors";
189  const QString RunningScripts = "Running Scripts...";
190  const QString RunTimingTests = "Run Timing Tests";
191  const QString ScriptedMotorControl = "Enable Scripted Motor Control";
192  const QString EntityScriptQMLWhitelist = "Entity Script / QML Whitelist";
193  const QString ScriptSecurity = "Script Security";
194  const QString ShowTrackedObjects = "Show Tracked Objects";
195  const QString SelfieCamera = "Selfie";
196  const QString SendWrongDSConnectVersion = "Send wrong DS connect version";
197  const QString SendWrongProtocolVersion = "Send wrong protocol version";
198  const QString SetHomeLocation = "Set Home Location";
199  const QString ShowBordersEntityNodes = "Show Entity Nodes";
200  const QString ShowBoundingCollisionShapes = "Show Bounding Collision Shapes";
201  const QString ShowDSConnectTable = "Show Domain Connection Timing";
202  const QString ShowMyLookAtVectors = "Show My Eye Vectors";
203  const QString ShowMyLookAtTarget = "Show My Look-At Target";
204  const QString ShowOtherLookAtVectors = "Show Other Eye Vectors";
205  const QString ShowOtherLookAtTarget = "Show Other Look-At Target";
206  const QString EnableLookAtSnapping = "Enable LookAt Snapping";
207  const QString ShowRealtimeEntityStats = "Show Realtime Entity Stats";
208  const QString SimulateEyeTracking = "Simulate";
209  const QString SMIEyeTracking = "SMI Eye Tracking";
210  const QString SparseTextureManagement = "Enable Sparse Texture Management";
211  const QString StartUpLocation = "Start-Up Location";
212  const QString Stats = "Show Statistics";
213  const QString AnimStats = "Show Animation Stats";
214  const QString StopAllScripts = "Stop All Scripts";
215  const QString SuppressShortTimings = "Suppress Timings Less than 10ms";
216  const QString ThirdPerson = "Third Person Legacy";
217  const QString ThreePointCalibration = "3 Point Calibration";
218  const QString ThrottleFPSIfNotFocus = "Throttle FPS If Not Focus"; // FIXME - this value duplicated in Basic2DWindowOpenGLDisplayPlugin.cpp
219  const QString ToolWindow = "Tool Window";
220  const QString TransmitterDrive = "Transmitter Drive";
221  const QString TurnWithHead = "Turn using Head";
222  const QString UseAudioForMouth = "Use Audio for Mouth";
223  const QString UseCamera = "Use Camera";
224  const QString VelocityFilter = "Velocity Filter";
225  const QString VisibleToEveryone = "Everyone";
226  const QString VisibleToFriends = "Friends";
227  const QString VisibleToNoOne = "No one";
228  const QString WorldAxes = "World Axes";
229  const QString DesktopTabletToToolbar = "Desktop Tablet Becomes Toolbar";
230  const QString HMDTabletToToolbar = "HMD Tablet Becomes Toolbar";
231  const QString Shadows = "Shadows";
232  const QString AmbientOcclusion = "Ambient Occlusion";
233  const QString NotificationSounds = "play_notification_sounds";
234  const QString NotificationSoundsSnapshot = "play_notification_sounds_snapshot";
235  const QString NotificationSoundsTablet = "play_notification_sounds_tablet";
236  const QString ForceCoarsePicking = "Force Coarse Picking";
237  const QString ComputeBlendshapes = "Compute Blendshapes";
238  const QString HighlightTransitions = "Highlight Transitions";
239  const QString MaterialProceduralShaders = "Enable Procedural Materials";
240 }
242 #endif // hifi_Menu_h
Represents a menu item a script may declare and bind events to. Exposed as MenuItemProperties
Definition: MenuItemProperties.h:27